29 B2B China Websites You Should Know

China is a major industrial powerhouse with highly developed manufacturing capabilities. Not only is the quality of products high, but prices are also very competitive. This places China in a pivotal position internationally. We, Nexatoys, are Chinese toy manufacturers wholesalers. If you are interested, you can contact us to arrange an offline visit and inspection. If you don’t have time to visit in person, you can learn more about us on B2B China websites.

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Alibaba International (https://www.alibaba.com/):

b2b china websites Alibaba International

Overview: Alibaba International, established in 1999, is the flagship B2B cross-border e-commerce platform of the Alibaba Group. It serves as a global marketplace connecting millions of buyers with suppliers from around the world. With a wide range of products available across various categories, Alibaba International provides a comprehensive platform for businesses to source products, negotiate deals, and conduct international trade.

Advantages for Buyers:

  1. Extensive Product Range: Alibaba International offers a vast selection of products from numerous suppliers, providing buyers with a wide variety of options to meet their sourcing needs.
  2. Competitive Prices: The platform’s extensive supplier base fosters competition, driving prices down and allowing buyers to negotiate favorable terms with suppliers.
  3. Trade Assurance: Alibaba International’s trade assurance program provides buyers with added security by offering refunds for non-compliant products or late shipments, mitigating risks associated with international trade.

Disadvantages for Buyers:

  1. Quality Control Challenges: Despite efforts to vet suppliers, Alibaba International faces challenges with counterfeit or low-quality products. Buyers must exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence to ensure product quality meets their standards.
  2. High Competition: The platform’s popularity attracts a large number of buyers, leading to stiff competition for sought-after products and potentially driving prices up.
  3. Complexity for New Users: Navigating Alibaba International’s extensive features and functionalities can be daunting for new buyers. Understanding the platform’s tools, negotiating terms, and ensuring compliance with trade assurance requirements may pose challenges for inexperienced users.

In summary, Alibaba International offers buyers access to a vast global marketplace with competitive prices and trade assurance protections. However, buyers must be vigilant about quality control, navigate through competition, and overcome the platform’s complexity to maximize their sourcing success.

DHgate (https://www.dhgate.com/):

b2b china websites DHgate

Overview: DHgate, founded in 2004, is a prominent player in the Chinese B2B cross-border e-commerce landscape. It serves as a platform connecting international buyers with Chinese manufacturers and wholesalers. DHgate offers a wide range of products across various categories, providing buyers with opportunities to source products directly from suppliers in China.

Advantages for Buyers:

  1. End-to-End Solutions: DHgate provides comprehensive solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), including store operations, traffic marketing, warehousing logistics, payment finance, and customer service. This integrated approach streamlines the sourcing process for buyers.
  2. Competitive Prices: The platform’s direct access to Chinese manufacturers and wholesalers allows buyers to access products at competitive prices, often with low minimum order quantities (MOQs) compared to other platforms.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: DHgate offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for buyers to navigate the platform, search for products, and communicate with suppliers.

Disadvantages for Buyers:

  1. Quality Control Issues: DHgate has faced challenges with product quality control, with some buyers receiving counterfeit or low-quality products. Buyers need to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence to ensure product quality meets their standards.
  2. Limited Product Categories: Compared to larger platforms like Alibaba, DHgate may have a more limited range of product categories available. Buyers seeking products outside of DHgate’s focus areas may need to explore other platforms.
  3. Less Established Reputation: DHgate may have a less established reputation compared to larger platforms like Alibaba, leading to concerns about reliability and trustworthiness among some buyers.

In summary, DHgate offers buyers comprehensive solutions and competitive prices for sourcing products directly from Chinese manufacturers and wholesalers. However, buyers must navigate through quality control issues, explore alternative platforms for specific product categories, and consider the platform’s reputation when making sourcing decisions.

Made-in-China.com (http://www.made-in-china.com/):


Overview: Established in 1998, Made-in-China.com serves as a trusted platform for showcasing Chinese products to a global audience. Specializing in industries such as machinery, it provides a comprehensive platform for businesses to connect with Chinese manufacturers and suppliers. Made-in-China.com facilitates efficient information exchange and trade transactions, making it a valuable resource for buyers seeking products from China.

Advantages for Buyers:

  1. Trusted Platform: Made-in-China.com has built a reputation as a trusted platform for sourcing products from China. Its longevity in the industry and focus on quality assurance contribute to buyer confidence.
  2. Efficient Information Exchange: The platform facilitates efficient communication between buyers and suppliers, streamlining the sourcing process and enabling quick decision-making.
  3. Global Audience: Made-in-China.com attracts a global audience of buyers, increasing the likelihood of finding suitable products and suppliers from various regions of the world.

Disadvantages for Buyers:

  1. Limited Industry Focus: Made-in-China.com may have a more limited focus compared to larger platforms like Alibaba, with a primary emphasis on industries such as machinery. Buyers seeking products outside of these industries may need to explore alternative platforms.
  2. Less Diversified Product Offerings: Due to its focus on specific industries, Made-in-China.com may offer a narrower range of product categories compared to more comprehensive platforms.
  3. Relatively Smaller User Base: While Made-in-China.com has a global audience, its user base may be smaller compared to larger platforms, potentially limiting the variety of products available and the competitiveness of prices.

In summary, Made-in-China.com offers buyers a trusted platform for sourcing products from China, with efficient communication channels and a global audience. However, buyers should consider its industry focus, product offerings, and user base when making sourcing decisions.

Global Sources (https://www.globalsources.com/):

Global Sources

Overview: Global Sources is a renowned organizer of professional exhibitions, connecting verified suppliers with discerning buyers worldwide. Established as a platform for facilitating international trade, it offers a comprehensive range of products and services across various industries. With a focus on larger enterprises and a commitment to quality assurance, Global Sources serves as a trusted resource for buyers seeking reliable suppliers and high-quality products.

Advantages for Buyers:

  1. Renowned Organizer of Professional Exhibitions: Global Sources hosts a variety of professional exhibitions, providing buyers with opportunities to meet suppliers in person, evaluate products, and establish business relationships.
  2. Verified Suppliers: The platform verifies suppliers to ensure compliance with quality standards and reliability. Buyers can trust that they are dealing with reputable suppliers who meet Global Sources’ rigorous criteria.
  3. Extensive Trade Magazine Network: Global Sources publishes trade magazines covering various industries, providing valuable insights, trends, and product information to buyers. These publications serve as valuable resources for informed decision-making.

Disadvantages for Buyers:

  1. Focus on Larger Enterprises: Global Sources primarily targets larger enterprises, potentially limiting opportunities for small and medium-sized buyers to access certain products or services.
  2. Higher Cost for Participation in Exhibitions: Participating in Global Sources exhibitions may involve higher costs compared to other sourcing channels, especially for smaller businesses with limited budgets.
  3. Less Emphasis on Digital Marketing Tools: While Global Sources offers comprehensive trade show and magazine services, its digital marketing tools may be less developed compared to online-focused platforms like Alibaba, potentially limiting buyer engagement and reach.

In summary, Global Sources offers buyers access to verified suppliers, professional exhibitions, and trade magazines, facilitating informed decision-making and fostering reliable business relationships. However, buyers should consider factors such as the platform’s focus on larger enterprises, costs associated with participation in exhibitions, and the availability of digital marketing tools when evaluating its suitability for their sourcing needs.

HC360 (http://www.hc360.com):


Overview: HC360 is a prominent B2B platform in China, offering comprehensive solutions across industries. Since its establishment, HC360 has been dedicated to facilitating trade between buyers and sellers, providing a user-friendly interface and extensive product listings. With a focus on serving businesses of all sizes, HC360 aims to streamline the sourcing process and foster mutually beneficial partnerships between buyers and suppliers.

Advantages for Buyers:

  1. Comprehensive Solutions Across Industries: HC360 offers a wide range of products across various industries, providing buyers with diverse options to meet their sourcing needs.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: The platform features a user-friendly interface, making it easy for buyers to navigate, search for products, and communicate with suppliers.
  3. Seamless Communication: HC360 facilitates seamless communication between buyers and sellers, enabling efficient information exchange and quick decision-making in the sourcing process.

Disadvantages for Buyers:

  1. Limited Global Reach Compared to Larger Platforms: While HC360 serves as a prominent B2B platform in China, its global reach may be more limited compared to larger platforms like Alibaba. Buyers seeking products from a broader range of regions may need to explore alternative platforms.
  2. Less Established Reputation Internationally: HC360 may have a less established reputation internationally compared to larger platforms, potentially leading to concerns about reliability and trustworthiness among some buyers.
  3. Potential Language Barriers: As a platform primarily serving the Chinese market, HC360 may present language barriers for international buyers. Buyers may need to overcome language challenges when communicating with suppliers or navigating the platform.

In summary, HC360 offers buyers comprehensive solutions, a user-friendly interface, and seamless communication channels to facilitate the sourcing process. However, buyers should consider factors such as the platform’s global reach, reputation, and language barriers when evaluating its suitability for their sourcing needs.

Gold Supplier (https://www.goldsupplier.com/):

Gold Supplier

Overview: Gold Supplier, operated by Alibaba Group, is a premium membership program designed to enhance the visibility and credibility of suppliers on Alibaba’s platforms. It serves as a trusted indicator of reliability and quality, providing buyers with assurance when sourcing products from suppliers with Gold Supplier status. With exclusive benefits and priority ranking in search results, Gold Supplier plays a crucial role in facilitating secure and efficient transactions between buyers and sellers in the global marketplace.

Advantages for Buyers:

  1. Enhanced Supplier Visibility and Credibility: Gold Supplier status signifies that a supplier has been verified and vetted by Alibaba, providing buyers with confidence in the reliability and quality of their products.
  2. Trusted Indicator of Reliability: Gold Supplier serves as a trusted indicator of reliability and trustworthiness, making it easier for buyers to identify reputable suppliers and make informed sourcing decisions.
  3. Priority Ranking in Search Results: Suppliers with Gold Supplier status receive priority ranking in search results, increasing their visibility to potential buyers and facilitating faster and more efficient sourcing.

Disadvantages for Buyers:

  1. Exclusive to Alibaba Platform: Gold Supplier status is exclusive to Alibaba’s platforms, limiting its availability to buyers who primarily use other sourcing channels or platforms.
  2. Additional Membership Costs: Access to Gold Supplier status may require suppliers to pay additional membership fees, potentially leading to higher product costs for buyers.
  3. Limited Benefits for Buyers: While Gold Supplier status benefits suppliers by enhancing their visibility and credibility, buyers may not directly benefit from these perks beyond the assurance of dealing with a verified supplier.

In summary, Gold Supplier status on Alibaba’s platforms offers buyers enhanced visibility, credibility, and assurance when sourcing products from verified suppliers. However, buyers should consider factors such as platform exclusivity, potential additional costs, and the limited direct benefits for buyers when evaluating the significance of Gold Supplier status in their sourcing decisions.

The following is an introduction to the wholesale websites commonly used by Chinese merchants themselves. These are all excellent platforms with high cost-effectiveness that you can click to learn more about.

YiwuGo (www.yiwugo.com)

YiwuGo is the official online representation of the Yiwu International Trade Market, which is the largest small commodities market in the world, located in Yiwu, Zhejiang, China. This platform encompasses the vast array of products available across the International Trade City’s districts from 1 to 5, Huangyuan Clothing Market, Yiwu International Material Production Market, and the Yiwu Imported Goods Market, among others. Hosting over 75,000 merchant booths and offering access to 3.5 million products, YiwuGo bridges the gap between global buyers and the rich assortment of goods available in Yiwu. It facilitates both online and offline transactions, ensuring a seamless shopping experience that mirrors the diversity and vibrancy of the physical market. YiwuGo is not just a marketplace but a comprehensive ecosystem that supports the entire procurement process, from initial inquiry to final delivery, catering to businesses of all sizes seeking to source from Yiwu’s extensive offerings.

Gongpinhui (www.vipmro.com)

Gongpinhui, under the umbrella of JD Industrial Supplies, operates as a direct supply platform focusing on the industrial goods sector. It caters to the needs of factories and businesses by providing a vast range of industrial products directly from manufacturers. The platform is designed to streamline the procurement process for industrial goods, making it easier for businesses to find and purchase necessary supplies efficiently. Gongpinhui’s extensive catalog includes everything from machinery and hardware to electrical and lighting equipment, safety and security tools, and much more, aiming to serve as a one-stop shop for industrial procurement. Through leveraging JD.com’s logistic capabilities, Gongpinhui ensures timely and reliable delivery of products, thereby enhancing the overall procurement experience for businesses across various industries.

Hangzhou’s Wangshangyuan (www.wsy.com):

Wangshangyuan is a premier online marketplace centered around fashion, shoes, and bags, predominantly sourcing its products from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, along with other major manufacturing hubs such as Huzhen, Changshu, Shishi, and Puyuan. This platform facilitates seamless integration of digital commerce functionalities, including one-click uploads and drop-shipping services, alongside offering a consumer-friendly return policy of up to 15 days. It caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from small retailers to large-scale distributors, by providing access to a wide array of products directly from manufacturers. Wangshangyuan’s innovative approach not only streamlines the supply chain but also ensures products are competitively priced, making it a favored destination for businesses seeking to capitalize on the dynamic fashion and accessory market in China and beyond.

17Zuowangdian (gz.17zwd.com)

17Zuowangdian is an expansive wholesale platform that aggregates a variety of online wholesale sources from across China, including Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Jieyang, Chaoshan, Zhuzhou, Baigou, Xintang, Huadu, Huludao, and Chengdu. It specializes in offering an extensive range of industries such as men’s and women’s fashion, children’s clothing, shoes, bags, and accessories. The platform aims to serve as a comprehensive resource for retailers, online shop owners, and wholesalers looking for diverse merchandise options. By consolidating goods from multiple sourcing hubs across China, 17Zuowangdian enables users to access a broad spectrum of products at wholesale prices. This approach facilitates the process of finding reliable and cost-effective goods for businesses aiming to cater to varying consumer preferences and trends.

Global Textile Network (www.tnc.com.cn)

The Global Textile Network is a leading portal dedicated to the textile industry, offering a comprehensive online platform for professionals, manufacturers, and traders within this sector. It serves as an extensive resource for finding textile products, industry news, market trends, and supply chain opportunities. This platform connects suppliers and buyers from around the globe, facilitating trade in a wide array of textile goods, including fabrics, yarns, apparel, and home textiles. By providing tools for direct communication and transaction between parties, the Global Textile Network aims to streamline the procurement process, enhance market visibility for manufacturers, and offer buyers access to a vast selection of products. Its commitment to serving the textile community is reflected in its efforts to offer updated information, industry analysis, and a user-friendly interface, making it a vital hub for anyone involved in the textile market seeking to expand their business reach and access global markets.

Eelly (www.eelly.com)

Eelly stands as a prominent online wholesale platform predominantly focusing on the apparel industry. It connects retailers with physical wholesale merchants from renowned clothing wholesale markets across China, including Guangzhou’s Thirteen Hong, Shahe, and Baima, Dongguan’s Humen, Hangzhou’s Sijiqing, and Shanghai’s Qipu Road. Eelly facilitates a seamless bridge between nationwide suppliers and buyers, offering a diverse range of clothing options from traditional to contemporary styles. The platform supports various services to enhance the buying experience, such as one-click upload for sellers and drop-shipping options, alongside a flexible return policy, thereby ensuring a reliable and efficient procurement process. By aggregating a vast network of suppliers, Eelly enables retailers to access a wide array of fashion merchandise, ensuring they can stock up on the latest trends and meet consumer demands effectively. Its commitment to connecting the dots within the fashion supply chain has established Eelly as a vital resource for businesses looking to navigate the complexities of apparel wholesale in China.

Meimei Tao (www.mmgg.com)

Meimei Tao is a specialized online wholesale platform dedicated to women’s footwear. It offers a comprehensive range of products including flats, leather shoes, sports shoes, casual shoes, slippers, sandals, boots, Martin boots, snow boots, and cotton shoes. Designed to cater exclusively to the wholesale distribution of women’s shoes, Meimei Tao supports a variety of services such as wholesale purchasing, drop-shipping, and distribution. The platform prides itself on its extensive product selection, ensuring that retailers can find almost any style or type of women’s shoe they require. By providing a direct link between shoe manufacturers and retail businesses, Meimei Tao enables efficient sourcing of the latest footwear trends and styles at competitive prices. This focus on women’s shoes, combined with the platform’s commitment to quality and affordability, makes Meimei Tao a preferred choice for shoe retailers looking to enhance their product offerings and meet the diverse preferences of their customers.

Gongbangbang (www.gongbangbang.com)

Gongbangbang is an industrial product trading platform that specializes in offering a wide array of industrial materials directly from manufacturers. As a dedicated marketplace for industrial goods, it provides an extensive catalog that includes but is not limited to machinery parts, raw materials, electrical components, and safety equipment. This platform is designed to serve the specific needs of businesses in the industrial sector, offering them a reliable source for procuring high-quality industrial materials at competitive prices. Gongbangbang’s commitment to facilitating a seamless procurement process is evident through its user-friendly interface and efficient logistics solutions, ensuring timely delivery of goods. By connecting buyers with reputable suppliers, Gongbangbang streamlines the supply chain for industrial products, making it an invaluable resource for factories, construction companies, and other enterprises requiring industrial-grade materials and components to maintain their operations.

Huobutou (www.hznzcn.com)

Huobutou, also known as Hangzhou Women’s Clothing Network, is a specialized online platform that focuses on wholesale and drop-shipping services for women’s apparel. It stands out for its commitment to supporting small and medium-sized businesses by allowing them to purchase goods with no minimum order requirements, facilitating the process of one-piece drop-shipping. Huobutou offers an extensive range of women’s clothing sourced from various manufacturing hubs across China, ensuring a diverse selection of styles to meet the dynamic demands of the fashion market. The platform guarantees a hassle-free shopping experience with its consumer-friendly policies, including the ability to return or exchange products without reason, which aligns with its objective to provide retailers and online merchants with a reliable and efficient source for stocking up on the latest trends in women’s fashion. By bridging the gap between manufacturers and retailers, Huobutou simplifies the procurement process, making it easier for businesses to thrive in the competitive world of fashion retailing.

VVIC Soukuang Net (www.vvic.com/gz)

VVIC Soukuang Net stands as Guangzhou’s largest online wholesale platform, extending its coverage across major clothing wholesale markets such as Shahe, Thirteen Hong, Baima, Jiefang South, and Chaoshan Puning. The platform specializes in providing wholesale sources for Alibaba, Taobao, Tmall, JD.com, Mogujie, Meilishuo, Vipshop, and other e-commerce and micro-business popular products, offering a wide array of apparel options for men, women, and children. VVIC Soukuang Net is designed to facilitate the sourcing process for retailers, enabling them to find and purchase the latest fashion trends directly from wholesalers. By offering access to a vast selection of clothing items, including both fast fashion and traditional styles, the platform ensures that retailers can meet the diverse preferences of their customer base. Additionally, VVIC Soukuang Net supports various services to enhance the procurement experience, such as drop-shipping, which makes it a valuable resource for businesses looking to streamline their operations and stay competitive in the dynamic fashion industry.

Shengyi Net (www.3e3e.cn)

Shengyi Net is a specialized wholesale website based in Huzhou’s Zhili, a renowned hub for children’s apparel in China. It boasts a vast selection of children’s clothing and footwear, offering hundreds of thousands of items direct from manufacturers. As a leading platform for children’s wear, Shengyi Net facilitates direct sales from factories, providing retailers with a comprehensive channel for sourcing quality children’s garments and shoes at wholesale prices. The website is designed to support retailers in finding a wide range of styles and sizes suitable for children of all ages, from toddlers to teenagers. By emphasizing factory-direct sales, Shengyi Net ensures competitive pricing and a diverse product range, making it an essential resource for businesses looking to stock up on children’s fashion. The platform’s commitment to offering a wide variety of high-quality, trendy, and affordable children’s wear positions it as a key player in the wholesale market, enabling retailers to meet the diverse needs and preferences of young customers.

Huo Niuniu (www.huoniuniu.com)

Huo Niuniu is a prominent wholesale platform specializing in women’s fashion apparel, catering to the needs of online fashion retailers and boutique owners. Based in Guangzhou, Huo Niuniu offers a vast selection of women’s clothing sourced directly from manufacturers across China. With an extensive range of trendy and stylish garments, including dresses, tops, bottoms, and outerwear, Huo Niuniu provides fashion-forward options for every season and occasion. The platform prides itself on offering a diverse array of designs, ensuring that retailers can find unique and eye-catching pieces to attract their target customers. Additionally, Huo Niuniu supports one-stop services such as one-click order placement, drop-shipping, and secure payment processing, streamlining the purchasing process for buyers. By prioritizing product quality, competitive pricing, and efficient logistics, Huo Niuniu has established itself as a go-to destination for fashion retailers seeking to stay ahead of the latest trends and meet the demands of their discerning clientele.

Kaishan Net (www.k3.cn)

Kaishan Net, also known as K3, is an online wholesale platform exclusively focused on women’s footwear. It distinguishes itself by connecting thousands of rigorously vetted women’s shoe manufacturers with e-commerce sellers, wholesalers, and retail businesses across China and beyond. Kaishan Net’s mission is to provide a reliable and expansive source of women’s shoes, covering a wide spectrum of styles including but not limited to high heels, flats, boots, sandals, and sports shoes. The platform ensures that all listed manufacturers meet stringent quality standards, thereby guaranteeing product reliability and customer satisfaction. By offering a direct line to manufacturers, Kaishan Net enables businesses to source the latest footwear trends at competitive prices, ensuring a diverse and fashionable product offering for end consumers. This focus on streamlining the supply chain for women’s shoes makes Kaishan Net a vital resource for businesses aiming to thrive in the competitive footwear market.

China Shoe Warehouse (www.cnxieku.com)

China Shoe Warehouse is a premier B2B platform that serves as a comprehensive source for wholesale footwear, connecting shoe retailers and distributors directly with manufacturers. Specializing in a wide range of footwear including sports shoes, casual shoes, leather shoes, women’s shoes, men’s shoes, and children’s shoes, this platform facilitates direct factory supply, ensuring competitive pricing and a vast selection of styles. Designed to meet the diverse needs of the global shoe market, China Shoe Warehouse offers an extensive catalog that caters to various consumer preferences and seasonal trends. By emphasizing quality and variety, the platform aims to streamline the procurement process for businesses, enabling them to efficiently source the latest footwear designs and stock their inventories with products that appeal to a broad customer base. China Shoe Warehouse stands out for its commitment to connecting the dots between shoe manufacturers and the retail market, making it an indispensable resource for businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of the footwear industry.

Global Shoes Network (www.shoes.net.cn)

Global Shoes Network is a premium B2B e-commerce platform in the footwear industry, providing a comprehensive solution for sourcing high-quality shoe brands, materials, and manufacturing equipment. It caters to a wide range of footwear needs, including sports shoes, casual shoes, leather shoes, women’s shoes, men’s shoes, children’s shoes, as well as shoe materials and molds. The platform serves as a bridge connecting manufacturers, brands, and retailers from around the globe, facilitating smooth transactions and fostering growth within the shoe industry. With its commitment to quality and a vast network of suppliers, Global Shoes Network ensures that businesses can find everything they need to produce, stock, and sell footwear. The platform’s emphasis on industry standards and innovation makes it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to stay ahead in the dynamic world of shoe manufacturing and retail.

BaoniuNiu (www.bao66.cn)

BaoniuNiu, also known as Bao66, is a specialized online wholesale platform dedicated to the distribution of bags and luggage. It aggregates thousands of rigorously selected suppliers from major manufacturing hubs such as Hebei’s Baigou and Guangzhou, offering a wide range of products including handbags, backpacks, suitcases, and other travel accessories. The platform is designed to connect e-commerce sellers, wholesalers, and retail businesses directly with manufacturers, ensuring access to a diverse selection of high-quality bag products at competitive wholesale prices. BaoniuNiu’s emphasis on quality control and supplier verification makes it a trusted source for businesses looking to expand their offerings in the bags and luggage market. By providing a user-friendly interface and efficient logistics solutions, BaoniuNiu facilitates seamless transactions and delivers a streamlined procurement experience, making it an essential resource for businesses aiming to meet the dynamic demands of consumers in the bag and luggage sector.

Gou Tu Net (www.go2.cn)

Gou Tu Net is a specialized market platform offering a wide range of women’s shoes, acting as a one-stop wholesale purchasing and drop-shipping service hub. Located in Chengdu, known for its significant shoe manufacturing industry, the platform provides access to various women’s footwear brands, sources, and manufacturers. It caters specifically to the needs of retailers and wholesalers looking for a comprehensive selection of women’s shoes, including fashion shoes, casual shoes, sports shoes, and more. Gou Tu Net is dedicated to simplifying the procurement process for businesses by offering quality products from trusted manufacturers at competitive prices. The platform supports services such as brand promotion, supply chain management, and logistics to ensure a smooth transaction from sourcing to delivery. By focusing on the women’s shoe segment, Gou Tu Net positions itself as a key resource for businesses aiming to tap into the latest trends and meet consumer demand for stylish and comfortable footwear.

Shunqi Net (www.11467.com)

Shunqi Net operates as a comprehensive B2B e-commerce platform and an online business directory, serving as a pivotal resource for enterprises across various industries. This platform facilitates the free exchange of supply and demand information, offering businesses a venue to publish procurement needs, supply capabilities, and to explore commercial opportunities. It’s designed to enhance visibility for companies within an extensive network, enabling them to reach potential partners, clients, and suppliers efficiently. Shunqi Net’s services extend beyond simple listings to include free website creation for businesses, aiding in their digital transformation efforts. As an online 114 yellow pages website, it provides a searchable database of companies across diverse sectors, making it easier for users to find reliable business contacts and product suppliers. This platform’s commitment to fostering business growth and facilitating trade makes it an invaluable tool for companies looking to expand their reach and explore new market opportunities.

Nala Cosmetics Network (www.nala.com.cn)

Nala Cosmetics Network is a leading beauty and cosmetics wholesale platform in China, specializing in the online sales of a wide range of beauty products, including face masks, eyeliners, mascaras, beauty tools, and personal care items. Known for its commitment to authentic, high-quality products, Nala offers an extensive selection from both domestic and international brands, catering to the diverse needs of beauty retailers and professionals. The platform supports comprehensive services such as one-click product uploads for suppliers and drop-shipping options for retailers, aiming to streamline the supply chain and enhance the efficiency of cosmetics procurement. With a focus on providing competitive pricing and a rich product assortment, Nala Cosmetics Network has established itself as a trusted source for beauty businesses seeking to expand their product offerings and tap into the latest trends in the beauty industry. The platform’s dedication to offering value and variety has made it a go-to destination for beauty retailers looking for reliable, cost-effective cosmetics sourcing solutions.

Geshow Beauty Network (www.geshow.com)

Geshow Beauty Network is an expansive wholesale marketplace dedicated to imported cosmetics and Korean beauty products. This platform bridges the gap between global suppliers and Chinese retailers, offering a vast array of skincare, makeup, and personal care items directly from manufacturers. Geshow Beauty Network emphasizes authenticity and quality, providing access to a curated selection of products that meet the rising demand for international beauty trends within China. It supports services such as drop-shipping and one-click product uploads, making it easier for retailers to manage inventory and fulfill orders efficiently. By concentrating on imported and Korean beauty products, Geshow Beauty Network caters to a niche market with high consumer demand, offering retailers competitive advantages in product variety and price. The platform’s commitment to facilitating seamless transactions and providing comprehensive support makes it an essential resource for beauty retailers looking to diversify their offerings with popular and trusted international brands.

91 Home Textile Network (www.91jf.com)

The 91 Home Textile Network serves as a specialized online platform based in Nantong, Jiangsu, which is widely recognized as the home textile capital of China. This platform is dedicated to the wholesale distribution of home textile products, offering a vast array of items such as bedding sets, quilts, pillows, blankets, and other related goods. It connects manufacturers directly with retailers and other businesses, facilitating access to a comprehensive range of high-quality home textile products at competitive wholesale prices. The 91 Home Textile Network is designed to support businesses in efficiently sourcing products to meet consumer demand for comfort and style in home furnishings. By leveraging the extensive manufacturing capabilities of the Nantong region, the platform ensures a steady supply of new and innovative home textile products, making it an essential resource for retailers, hoteliers, and interior decorators seeking to enhance their offerings with fine-quality textiles.

Baby Zhi Ai Net (www.babyzhiai.net)

Baby Zhi Ai Net is a high-end B2B distribution platform focusing on imported mother and baby products. It positions itself as a gateway for retailers and distributors to access premium maternity, infant, and child care brands from around the globe. The platform offers a wide array of products, including but not limited to, baby food, clothing, toys, and health care items, all aimed at supporting the well-being and development of children from infancy through to early childhood. Baby Zhi Ai Net simplifies the process of sourcing high-quality imported goods by providing a one-stop-shop solution where businesses can find reputable brands, negotiate purchase terms, and arrange logistics and delivery, all within a secure and reliable online environment. By emphasizing product authenticity, safety, and innovation, Baby Zhi Ai Net ensures that retailers can meet the growing demand among parents for premium and specialized mother and baby products. The platform also supports free membership for joining as an agent or distributor, promoting a business model that includes drop-shipping, thereby enabling businesses of all sizes to participate in the thriving market for imported mother and baby goods.

Tony’s (www.toonies.cn)

Tony’s is a dedicated distribution website that specializes in offering a wide range of products for wholesale distribution globally. Serving as a comprehensive platform for cross-border e-commerce sellers and domestic buyers, Tony’s prides itself on providing access to a vast selection of high-quality merchandise from trusted suppliers. With a focus on simplifying the procurement process, Tony’s offers a seamless one-click ordering system, allowing users to effortlessly source products from various categories. Whether it’s consumer electronics, fashion apparel, home goods, or personal care items, Tony’s aims to meet the diverse needs of retailers, wholesalers, and online sellers. Additionally, the platform offers competitive pricing, flexible shipping options, and reliable customer service to ensure a smooth and hassle-free buying experience. By leveraging its extensive network of suppliers and logistics partners, Tony’s enables businesses to access a diverse range of products efficiently, making it a preferred choice for those seeking reliable wholesale distribution solutions.


  • Jack Hogan

    Jack Hogan, founder of NexaToys.com since 2014, is a seasoned professional in the toy industry, having successfully assisted over 10,000 clients in procuring the perfect toys.

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